A bit about me
Hi, my name is Jon Evans and I'm the Founder of First we breathe.
First we breathe is a company that helps athletes optimize breathing to improve their athletic performance and recovery. Our mission is to help our clients reach their goals by providing them with a product or service that solves their problems.
Our values are to give results, reliability, and honesty. We aim to be an organization that is results-focused, where clients have the opportunity to grow in their careers and are always given honest advice about our products. We value our clients, which means treating them well and giving them the opportunity to develop their skill sets in order to do their best work possible for themselves. Finally, we aim to be reliable in everything we do: from our products being high-quality and long-lasting to delivering those products on time every time without fail so that you never have to worry about when your order will arrive or whether it will arrive at all!
BA Hons (biology)
Associate member of the RSB
Advanced Oxygen Advantage instructor
this accumulates to 10+ years of experience